Breastfeeding is important as it can help prevent disease and promote long-term health of your child. Breast milk is the most beneficial food for newborns. With the efficiency of nutrients and other compounds contained in breast milk Therefore, it can greatly help prevent disease and promote the health of your child.
Using breast milk to prevent disease
Using breast milk helps prevent many forms of infection in infants. This is because breast milk contains substances that help strengthen the baby's immune system. In addition, breast milk has a higher immunity against infection compared to formulas and supplements available in the market.
Additionally, using breast milk reduces the baby's risk of gastrointestinal infections such as morning sickness and prevents labor pain. It also reduces the baby's risk of respiratory infections such as colds and pneumonia.
Using breast milk to promote child health
Using breast milk also greatly promotes the health of your child. This is because breast milk has the best nutrients and health opportunities for babies. Breast milk is very useful in promoting the growth and development of the child. Because it has the right amount of protein for growth. And it has unsaturated fats that help your child get the energy and nutrients necessary for brain and body development.
Additionally, using breast milk helps your child maintain a healthy immune system and lifelong health. Breast milk helps prevent diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure in the future. It also helps your child be happier. and help build bonds and stability in the family